13 months

Little Ball has just passed 13 months.  Until about 3 months ago, she’d been the easiest baby in the world. I don’t discuss it much because I feel for the mothers who had a harder time, and who are still having a harder time.  Sleep deprivation IS a form of torture and every parent will experience it in some form. I’m thankful that I have a spectacular support network of friends and family and neighbours who were (and still are) looking out for us and weren’t afraid to straight out ask about the status of my mental health. 
Around Easter, four new top teeth flipped our lives onto its head, and by lives,  I mean sleep. So after a month of, “Gee, she’s so cranky, and why am I up at 2am?” followed by 3 weeks of, “I can see teeth! She’ll be back to normal soon!”  but instead she re-cut one tooth 4 times 😯 and the other three were….bastards. Following that we developed a new set of sleep issues because I desperately wanted her to rest, so I helped rock her back to sleep. Then just as I was getting her to self settle again, she caught a virus, which was doctors and two trips to the hospital. She was better for about a week and then her ear swelled up from a scratch infection 😓  For a while, the sleep while still broken, but survivable, then the triple threat: Travel, teeth and sickness,  complete with another night at the hospital. In the last 8 weeks we’ve had 3 completely different types of illness and another 3 cold bugs on top of that.  Needless to say, sleep became a concept rather than something I could have for myself. 

In the last week she decided that suddenly she is as awesome as we tell her…. She’s going to bed with minimal fuss, sleeping for long stretches, and going back to sleep before I even attempt to crawl out of my blanket cocoon and find a dressing gown…..  Somebody, pinch me!!!! I must be dreaming!!! 

(look! That meal and wine was consumed in peace!!!)

Oh and we cut a new tooth today.  All drool, no tears! I love my baby girl!  

(our little munchkin loves Tumbletastics! Even teething and drooley!) 

Hopefully the good times just keep rolling! 😘 

Thanks for popping by, 


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